Monday, April 9, 2012


00-05: Sun shines and orange beams move.

06-10: Bunny walks in from the side of the frame and starts walking; sun beams continue to move.

11-15: Bunny continues walking; clouds appear from the left side and start to move slowly to the right side.

16-25: Bunny continues walking; music notes start coming from the right side of the frame, twirl and "dance, and then disappear using opacity levels.

26-32: Flower comes into frame from the right side and music notes are coming out of it. Bunny stops and moves ears.

33-36: Music notes get bigger and bigger until it covers all of the frame.

37-40: Frame is dark; starts fading into next frame at 38 seconds until it changes to the next frame at 40 seconds.

41-46: Floor tiles light up randomly and disco ball comes down from the top of the frame; disco ball tiles light up randomly; lights come on and off.

47-57: Bunny appears from the left side of the frame and starts dancing; lights, disco ball and floor keep lighting up randomly throughout the dancing using the glow effect; bunny makes a pose before changing frames.

58-60: End title appears.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Topic and Sketched Layout for Manual

Emergency situation: Your favorite band is right in front of you/You are about to meet your favorite band.